Indy Rack LLC extends a full complement of services for your material handling solutions. We’re ready to assist you with your system in whatever stage and condition it is in. Just starting out? We’ll design and install. Looking to improve? Consult us for a remodel. On the move? Have us remove your material handling systems. We design, install, remove, and liquidate all material handling systems and equipment.Material handling solutions are our livelihood. We couldn’t pride ourselves on our business if we didn’t know — or continue to learn — everything about it. If you need work done and you want a full, honest effort, contact us. You’ll find that we have the intuition for creating and maintaining excellent systems, and a gift for ingenuity that will introduce efficiency to your operations.We’re proud of our work, but we’re even prouder of the success you derive from it. You need to be running at your most efficient, so that’s where we put you.